Animals aren’t actually having fun at rodeo – here’s how you can tell
Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Animals die in rodeo We know that animals used in rodeo events can suffer from acute and long-term injuries, which can result in the animals being euthanized. For example, at the 2024 Calgary Stampede, four animals were euthanized during the 10-day event, making it the deadliest Stampede since 2019 when six horses lost their lives during the chuckwagon racing event. Deaths are covered, but suffering is more widespread While fatal injuries at high profile rodeos like the Stampede are commonly reported on by the media, the stress, fear, pain, and discomfort experienced by animals in rodeo events is often overlooked. The fact that animals experience stress, fear, pain, and discomfort for the sake of human entertainment brings up ethical concerns about animal events at rodeos. For example, a study out of Australia found that calves experience stress during all stages of the roping event…
Report calls on Calgary city council to endorse a Stampede without rodeo and chuckwagon events
Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals A recent report from the Vancouver Humane Society outlines several key findings: TAKE ACTION: Sign and share the #SayNoToRodeo pledge and send an email in support of the Vancouver Humane Society’s report and recommendations to Calgary city council. Take action Express your opposition to the inhumane rodeo and chuckwagon events at the Calgary Stampede by signing the pledge. The total number of signatures will be included in communications with Stampede organizers and decision-makers. New report: Evidence for a Calgary Stampede without rodeo and chuckwagon events In a new report sent to Calgary city council, the Vancouver Humane Society outlines concerns and recommendations following this year’s deadly Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon events. Below are the key points and recommendations in the report: The report recommends that Calgary city council seek the removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events from the annual Calgary Stampede program.
Opposition to rodeo and chuckwagons increases in Calgary, poll shows
Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media Take action Express your opposition to the inhumane rodeo and chuckwagon events at the Calgary Stampede by signing the pledge. The total number of signatures will be included in communications with Stampede organizers and decision-makers. New poll: Public opposition to rodeo events and government funding surges A recent Research Co. poll indicates a rise in opposition to rodeo and chuckwagon events in Calgary between February and July. The poll covered five events. Most Calgarians were opposed to four out of five events in July, compared to just one in February. It showed the following increases in opposition: Likewise, opposition nationwide is on the rise. Opposition increased from February to July in all five events included in the poll. The results showed most Canadians are opposed to all five events. The poll also shows a significant increase in opposition to government funding of rodeo…
A history of the Calgary Stampede’s controversial animal events
Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media The 2024 Calgary Stampede is underway July 5-14, and with it comes inhumane rodeo events and the deadly chuckwagon races that result in animal fatalities nearly every year. Let’s take a look at the controversial history of the Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races. The Vancouver Humane Society has been tracking Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon racing fatalities since 1986. Since then, 109 animals have died in the Stampede’s events. 78 of those deaths have been horses used in the chuckwagon races. The true toll of animal deaths may be much higher due to the number of animals that are practiced on and injured behind the scenes. Why are there so many fatalities in the chuckwagon races? The chuckwagon races are the deadliest event at the Calgary Stampede. Almost every year, horses die during this event, which is known as the “half-mile of hell”. The…
Steer and two horses euthanized at Calgary Stampede rodeo & chuckwagons
Three animals were euthanized due to serious injuries sustained over the first four days of the Calgary Stampede. The death toll of the Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races has now reached 108 animals since 1986, including 77 horses used in the chuckwagon races. Read key media coverage below. Learn more Read and watch to learn more about the animal welfare issues at Canada’s largest rodeo, the Calgary Stampede. Learn more Take the pledge Sign the pledge to not attend inhumane rodeo events and chuckwagon races. Take the pledge Share your vision Share what animal-friendly activities you would love to see in the Stampede’s future. Share your vision Calgary Herald Read now CBC Read now CTV News Calgary Read now City News Calgary Read now
Steer and three horses euthanized at Calgary Stampede rodeo & chuckwagons
Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media Four animals were euthanized due to serious injuries sustained during the 2024 Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races. The death toll of the Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races has now reached 109 animals since 1986, including 78 horses used in the chuckwagon races. Read key media coverage below. Learn more Read and watch to learn more about the animal welfare issues at Canada’s largest rodeo, the Calgary Stampede. Learn more Take the pledge Sign the pledge to not attend inhumane rodeo events and chuckwagon races. Take the pledge Share your vision Share what animal-friendly activities you would love to see in the Stampede’s future. Share your vision July 13 coverage Global News Read now July 9 coverage Calgary Herald Read now CBC Read now CTV News Calgary Read now City News Calgary Read now