Should we ban rodeo? A dialogue from Alberta Views

Should we ban rodeo? A dialogue from Alberta Views

Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals Media

Should We Ban Rodeo – Alberta Views

It’s clear that using animals for entertainment is rapidly becoming unacceptable. What of rodeo? Rodeo events are a spectacle…

As the Calgary Stampede rodeo is once again making headlines nationwide for the animal suffering it causes, Camille Labchuk of Animal Justice argues that we should ban rodeo, calling it “a spectacle of suffering, offering fleeting entertainment yet causing serious fear, trauma and even death to the animals who are goaded into performing.”

“At its core rodeo necessitates cruelty and inhumane treatment of the animals who are conscripted into the ‘sport.’ Animals are coerced into running or bucking through fear and often pain.”

Read the perspectives on rodeo in the dialogue from Alberta Views, and take the #SayNoToRodeo pledge to express your opposition to these inhumane and outdated events held at the Calgary Stampede each year.