Report calls on Calgary city council to endorse a Stampede without rodeo and chuckwagon events

Report calls on Calgary city council to endorse a Stampede without rodeo and chuckwagon events

Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur \ We Animals

A recent report from the Vancouver Humane Society outlines several key findings:

  • This year’s Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races resulted in four animal fatalities and included footage showing inhumane treatment of animals.
  • Innovative polling indicates a significant rise in public opposition to rodeo events and government funding for them.
  • Over 9,600 signatures have been collected on the #SayNoToRodeo pledge, advocating for an end to cruel rodeo practices and the dangerous chuckwagon races at the Calgary Stampede.
  • The report advises Calgary city council to consider removing rodeo and chuckwagon events from the Stampede program.

TAKE ACTION: Sign and share the #SayNoToRodeo pledge and send an email in support of the Vancouver Humane Society’s report and recommendations to Calgary city council.

Take action

Take the #SayNoToRodeo Pledge

Express your opposition to the inhumane rodeo and chuckwagon events at the Calgary Stampede by signing the pledge. The total number of signatures will be included in communications with Stampede organizers and decision-makers. 

Email Calgary City Council  

Urge Calgary city council to support the removal of the inhumane rodeo and dangerous chuckwagon races from the Stampede program. The report recommends: 

  • Ending inhumane animal events at the Stampede; 
  • Discussing the VHS report at an upcoming public council meeting. 

Below are some key points you may wish to consider in your message. Please use your own words and remain respectful in your message. 

Why you’re writing: Note the VHS’s new report and that you’re writing in support of it.  

What concerns you the most: Consider what happened at this year’s Stampede (four animal deaths); the event’s track record of near-annual deaths; the stress and suffering the animals experience during the events. 

Your request: That city council work with Stampede organizers to remove rodeo events and chuckwagon races and instead prioritize events that don’t cause animal harm.  

New report: Evidence for a Calgary Stampede without rodeo and chuckwagon events

In a new report sent to Calgary city council, the Vancouver Humane Society outlines concerns and recommendations following this year’s deadly Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon events. Below are the key points and recommendations in the report: 

  • The use of animals in rodeo events presents a significant risk of injury and death, as evidenced by the near-annual animal fatalities at the Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races.
  • The 2024 Calgary Stampede rodeo and chuckwagon races were the deadliest since 2019, with four animal fatalities during this year’s 10-day event.
  • Three horses sustained serious and irrecoverable injuries during the chuckwagon races and one steer’s neck was disturbingly snapped during a wrestling event. All four animals were euthanized.
  • Footage from the Calgary Stampede rodeo captures animals being roughly handled and displaying visible signs of stress, including thrashing in the chutes, resisting handlers, open mouth and extended tongue, and exhibiting eye white response.
  • 2024 Research Co. public polling shows that majority of Calgarians oppose calf roping, steer wrestling, bronc riding, and chuckwagon racing.
  • Public polling also shows that 67% of Calgarians oppose government funding of rodeo events.
  • 2022 Research Co. polling of Calgarians also found that removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events would have virtually no impact on attendance rates and would bring a new crowd to the Calgary Stampede.

The report recommends that Calgary city council seek the removal of the rodeo and chuckwagon events from the annual Calgary Stampede program.